第6届大马神农楷模奖: 个人组 The 6th Malaysia Agro Excellence Award: Individual Group
Thu, Mar 31
|Location is TBD
Time & Location
Mar 31, 2022, 11:59 PM
Location is TBD
About the event
什么是大马农业神农楷模奖?Whats is Malaysian Argo Excellence Award
1.由全球农业发展机构(Global Agro Development)主催,马来西亚维护与发展农业协会(APDAM)承办的大马农业神农楷模奖是有马来西亚农业界最高荣誉的奖项。Malaysia Agro Excellence Award is the highest honor in the agro sector in Malaysia which is advocated by Global Argo Development and organized by Agricultural Protection and Development Association of Malaysia.
2.表扬及肯定在马来西亚农业发展及相关活动由卓越贡献的团体、学术人士、公司、个人或政府或非政府组织等为目标。Recognition and affirmation of agricultural development and related activities in Malaysia of the outstanding group,academics,companies, companies, individuals adnd government or NGO as the goal.
宗旨 Objective
1. 提高农民的地位 To improve the social status of farmers.
2. 肯定农民的付出 To affirm contribution of farmers.
3. 推广健康农作法 To promote healthy agricultural practices
4. 提高农民收入 To increase farmers' income and living standard
使命 Mission
1. 确保农业永续发展 To ensure sustainable agricultural development
2. 推动国际农业合作 To promote international agricultural co-operation
3. 确保生产安全粮食 to ensure food safety
4. 促进人类和平共荣 To promote world peace and common prosperity
谁能申请大马神农楷模奖? Who can apply?
1. 开发给所有从事农业与农业相关活动的团体、学术人员、政府或非政府组织、个人机构/公司申请。Open to all engaged in agriculture and related activities including academic staff, government/NGO, individuals, company and corporate applicantions.
2. 不分国籍、不分种族、不分宗教、不分规模大小。Regardless of nationality, race, religion, culture and farming size.
3. 以提名制或邀请制参与角逐。The participant is by nomination or by invitation.
提名对象与表彰范围 Nomination Object & The Scope of Recognition
种植业Crop Farming
禽畜养殖业 Livestock Breeding Industry
水产养殖业 Aquaculture
渔业 Fisheries
园艺业 Horticulture
森林业 Forest Industry
休闲农业 Leisure Agriculture
及相关行业 And other related industries.
怎么报名?How to apply?
1. 点击 报名/提名,提供报名表格所需信息。 Click " Register/Nominate" and provide all the required infomation in the form.
2. 需额外发送的附件,需发送到 elliesoo@tusstar.com ,标题: 大马农业楷模奖+ 申报奖项编号+企业名称/个人名称。 (eg:大马农业楷模奖+C1+旺发农业有限公司)For addditional attachments, kindly send all your attachments to elliesoo@tusstar.com with the title: Malaysian Argo Excellence Award+Award Code+ Company/Individual Name. (eg: Malaysian Argo Excellence Award+C1+Ong Huat Agro SDN BHD)
3. 付款后,点击提交表格。After your payment has done, click submit to complete your application.
报名截止日期 Application Deadline
2022.3.31, 1159pm (GMT+8)
启迪之星渠道专属优惠 TusStar Exclusive Offer
启迪之星会员TusStar Member(生态会员Eco member /入孵企业 Incubatee)
RM1600(马来西亚企业或个人Malaysian Companies or Individual) 【Original Price RM2000】
RM2000 (非马来西亚企业或个人Non Malaysian Companies or Individual)【Original Price RM2500】
另外,组织单位将会为获奖者/提名者安排市场,广告或促销活动。 这些市场,广告或促销活动(知名媒体报道、采访、社交平台、视频、杂志曝光等等)将会产生RM8,600的额外费用(只是获奖者/提名者需额外支付)。
In addition, the organizer will arrange marketing, advertising or promotional activities for the winners/nominees. These marketing, advertising or promotional activities (media coverage, interviews, social media, videos, magazine exposure, etc.) will charge an additional fee of RM8,600 (Only subject to winners/nominees ).
由于疫情的影响, 非马来西亚企业或则个人获奖者/提名者没办法参与部分市场,广告或促销活动,因此国际组可以在这项费用得到RM2,800折扣,只需付 RM5,800。(只是获奖者/提名者需额外支付)
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, winners/nominees from non-Malaysian companies or individual will not be able to participate in some of the marketing, advertising or promotional activities, therefore the nominees/winners of international category will receive a discount of RM2,800 on this fee and will only have to pay RM5,800 (Only subject to winners/nominees).
额外付费的市场,广告或促销活动包括Marketing, advertising or promotional activities include(可能会有变动subject to change):
1. 1-2分钟的个人视频拍摄,颁奖典礼播放, 个人永久珍藏。1-2 minute personal video shoot, will be broadcasted on the award ceremony, can keep it as personal collection.
2.颁奖礼特别采访,得奖感言。 A special interview at the awards ceremony with the winner's speech.
3. 颁奖礼将安排专业者应是拍照留念。A professional photo shoot will be arranged for the award ceremony.
4. 2页采访新闻奖刊登在全球农业杂志里。 2 pages of interview will be published in Global Agriculture Magazine.
5. 免费获得10本全球农业杂志。10 free copies of Global Agriculture magazine.
6. 个人布条相片将会置放颁奖礼大厅。Individual banner photos will be placed in the award ceremony hall.
7. 免费一桌8人的颁奖晚宴。An award ceremony dinner of 8 pax.
8. 得奖资料将上载APDAM (大马维护与发展农业协会)官网。Winners's Info will be uploaded on the official website of APDAM (Association for the Preservation and Development of Agriculture in Malaysia).
9. 报社及社交平台将协助宣传。Newspaper and social media platforms will facilitate the publicity of the winners.
- 附件资料需发送到 info@tusstar.my, 标题: 大马农业楷模奖+ 申报奖项编号+企业名称/个人名称。 (eg:大马农业楷模奖+C1+旺发农业有限公司)所有附件须有参加者签名。You may provide additional information and send it to info@tusstar.my, Titled it as Malaysian Argo Excellence Award+Award Code+ Company/Individual Name.Each attachment must be certifiedby a participant.
- 参加者有权提供任何其它相关资料以提高出线的机会。The participants have the right to provide any other relevant information in order to improve the chances of qualifying.
- 申请者所提供的资料是绝对保密。Information provided by the applicant is absolutely confidential。
- 每人每次只能申请一个奖项。Each person each time can only apply for one award.
- 特别采访的费用另计。That is additional charges for special interview.
个人组申请者的基本条件/ Applicant basic conditions of Individual Group:
1. 从事农业相关行业最少5年以上/ In the farming related industry for more than 5 years.
2. 获得有关区域或相关行业人士的提名人签名认可/ Signature recognition of nominees from relevant regions or related industries.
3. 主办单位所要求的资料/ Information requested by the organizer.
奖项申报声明 Declaration
1. 本人谨在此声明,所有表格上和附件的资料都是真实和正确的,任何虚假资料都是触犯大马神农楷模奖的条规,
2. 本人将遵守主办当局的所有条规与条件。
3. 本人同意参与任何有关大马神农楷模奖得宣传与推广活动,包括被采访等。
4. 本人同意并接受独立评选委员会(ISC)的决定是最终的决定,本人将不会采取任何行动审查或推翻有关决定。
- I hereby declare that all information in this form and any attachments is true and correct. Any false information are violate Malaysia Agro Excellence Award (MAE Award) regulations, the nomination will be automatically void, all the payment has been delivered will be confiscated, I am not entitled to make any accountability.
- I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of MAE Award as set forth.
- I agree to participate in MAE Award related publicity/promotional events such as interview if required.
- I agree and accept the Independent Selection Committee (ISC) judges’ decision as final and agree that no appeal will beallowed and I shall not resort to legal proceedings to review the ISC judges’ decision.
MYR 1,600.00Sale ended
MYR 0.00